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Scan any place with your iPhone and view it in 3D

No credit card required


Check Icon - TechVR X Webflow Template
Start capturing now with 5 free high-definition 3D scans
Check Icon - TechVR X Webflow Template
SD, HD & UHD adjustable quality for multi-device support
Check Icon - TechVR X Webflow Template
View scans in browser, or in VR
Check Icon - TechVR X Webflow Template
Share scans privately, or publish to community

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Everything you need to know about getting started with Teleport.

What is Teleport, and how does it work?

Teleport is a 3D capture and reconstruction service that lets you scan real-world spaces using your iPhone. By capturing scenes and uploading them to our platform, you can view and interact with a high-quality 3D representation of your space from any compatible device, including desktops and VR headsets.

What devices are compatible with Teleport?

Currently, Teleport supports all iPhones using iOS 17 or newer for capturing scenes. You can view your 3D models on desktop, web browsers, and selected VR headsets. Read more about our system requirements here.

Is Teleport free to use?

Teleport is free to use for 5 scans, with access to most features, allowing you to explore the platform before subscribing. Some advanced features are exclusive to our paid plan, which you can switch to at any time for full access. Teleport is currently available in the following list of countries.

What kind of support is available if I encounter issues?

For troubleshooting or questions, you can refer to our documentation, which includes detailed guides and common solutions. You can also join our Discord community, where you can connect with other Teleport users, share your 3D scans, exchange tips, and get early access to new updates. You can also reach us at